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Breaking boundaries and making waves: We’ve officially earned a Guinness World Record for living 120 days underwater!

Underwater Window Frame in Production

Underwater Window Frame in Production

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We have made some good progress since our last update on the underwater room windows. We have gone from designs to beginning to manufacture the actual window frames.

These windows for the underwater room have to be incredibly strong to withstand the pressure of being underwater, and they have to be very precise to properly seal the room and also allow us to change the window while underwater if needed.

We are starting out by making two frames and up to seven more will follow if our testing goes well. The outer flanges are the first pieces of the frames that are being produced. They are the easiest portion so we wanted to knock them out quickly. After making the steel rings, they have to have the holes for the bolts drilled out.

The inner surface of the frame is more complex and will be the hardest part to produce. This is the area that will require the most precision. Luckily for us, our producer has the specialized equipment that will make things go much more smoothly.

We hope to have the first frames arrive at the factory in the next 30 days and we will then begin our testing to make sure that they will do the job that we need them to!

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