It wouldn’t make sense to have an underwater room without windows. We are explorers,we are travellers, we are enablers of sea life observation. That’s why we are making sure that the underwater room is equipped with windows that will give exclusive access to the underwater world.
Yet, we have all seen enough disaster movies to know that windows under water are amazing…until trouble appears! Since we are serious people, we want to do everything we can to make sure that the adventure is the best anyone could hope for.
That’s why our factory team is currently busy testing how well the windows are withstanding pressure. This is an exciting time because we always have a little bit of anxiety mixed with great confidence that the test is going to go very well. But no level of confidence should avoid serious engineering teams to bypass the testing stage.
In this particular case, the underwater room windows are designed to withstand 5 times more pressure than what they will be used for. We plan to install the underwater rooms at about xx metres, so by taking the data sheet and testing way further than necessary, we know that there won’t be any problems with the seal.
We will bring the pressure inside the testing compartment up to 40 psi and leave it for a couple of days. If it drops too much, it’s not good! Because it would mean that there is a water leak inside the underwater room.