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Development work on future emergency wristwatch for the Lifeguard Drone

Development work on future emergency wristwatch for the Lifeguard Drone

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Development work on future emergency wristwatch for the Lifeguard Drone
Living on water is a dream of many, and it is surely one we want to share with you! However, this isn’t without risk, so we came up with a series of innovations for the Pods guests safety: the emergency wristwatch is one of them.

This lighter-size wristband that has an SOS button. When you push the button, a surface drone will automatically navigate to the location of the wristband and give you something to grab onto while it brings you back to the Pod. Safety at its best powered by Ocean Builders’ smart AI technology.

As the name suggests, the Emergency Wristwatch has an integrated antenna system and is used in emergency situations. When the beacon is activated, the watch broadcasts a distress signal of more than 3km. A true demonstration of technology coming to your help! Literally.

Technology has a lot to offer when it comes to safety, and that’s what led our team to develop the Lifeguard AI that would protect everyone on the Pods. As soon as the cameras located at strategic locations around the Pod notice that you are in distress, then it will deploy the lifeguard drone.

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