Hitting a milestone such as a birthday or anniversary is worth celebrating as it is an indicator of time passing through life. Completion, after an endless list of tasks, of a milestone such as this, is worthy of celebrating. It commemorates achievement for a team who continuously showed up for hours, days, weeks — even, focused on turning this futuristic idea into present reality. It’s a moral booster and a moment that brings us, as a team, as a movement, closer together.
On August 13, 2021 we hit a major milestone.
Spectators watched and recorded on with phones and drones, as an enormous tripod – the upper half painted white and the bottom half left exposed – was released to float. Why was it left exposed? Won’t that corrode? The reason being, an electric current would be created with a mixed metal oxide anode. Active Cathodic Protection from a 2V power source can prevent steel from corroding as well as accelerate coral growth. This isn’t a new discovery either. Teams across the world have started to do this in hopes of restoring the coral we’ve inadvertently bleached.
“It was fantastic seeing all our workers watching with pride as the TriPod was lowered into the water. We have a lot of people that have been working very hard to get to this moment.”
Grant Romundt, the CEO of Ocean Builders
“It was fantastic seeing all our workers watching with pride as the TriPod was lowered into the water. We have a lot of people that have been working very hard to get to this moment.” Grant Romundt, the CEO of OceanBuilders, shared after celebrating with the team.
Other video clips were shared by the lucky few that follow the members of the Linton Bay manufacturing team on their social media stories and posts. The closest of our supporters, which reach worldwide, shared our personal win.
A single operator and a hand or two along the way. With a marina hoist it was possible to smoothly transition from land to sea. It was one step in the direction towards the goal. Though, it’s not over yet.
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